Friday, February 24, 2006

Life---it is a precious gift. There has been a miracle performed by God for a family in our area. I wish to share with you the hope and excitment I feel towards God. It was a week ago Thursday (Thursday the 16th of February), when I got a call from a friend concerning a woman named Judy Gillet. Judy had gone to the emergency room with a kidney stone lodged in her kidney. Her husband said she had problems in the past. The doctors told her she was fine. Due to the difficulty in detecting a stone lodged in the kidney itself, instead of in the urethra or uriter which is more common, her problem was not detected and not treated in a timely way. Judy ended up in the emergency room last week. Her husband was furious with the doctors for not performing the surgery right away. Later, he found out that God knew what he was doing and the decision to postpone the surgery was lifesaving. Anyway, they were able to help relieve all the back-up urine by putting in a shunt. However, there was a pocket of infection unknown to the hospital staff but not unknown by God. This pocket of infection was punctured. This caused an immediate life and death situation. Judy became septic. She had infection in her blood and all throughout her body. They had performed the shunt in the ICU. God wanted her in the ICU, because they were able to handle getting her hooked up to every type of life support you can think of. Judy, who I do not know personally, is in her fourties and has two children. Her one son plays basketball in the same league as my son (5th and 6th graders). In 1992 Judy and her husband had lost a 6th month old baby boy. They spent months in the hospital. Their baby had many birth defects. God had helped them get through that very difficult time.

God was at work during this critical time as well. Here is how the story goes--as best as I can tell it. From my perspective, this was a time where God was calling believers from all over to intercede in prayer for Judy Gillet. I do not know Judy in the flesh,but I feel I now have a special connection to her. Anyway, God laid a heavy burden on me for this lady, whose face is a mystery to me. I felt compelled to get on my knees (last Thursday)--she was in ICU and the next 24 hours were critical. I figured since Jesus blood could cleanse our sins it could also cleanse the infection out of her blood. I prayed that God would breath life into Judy just as he breathed life into Adam. I told my children and extended family to pray. I felt an urgency--like nothing I have known before. I called friends to find out about her condition. She made it through the first 24 hours. I have learned however that she was practically speaking "dead" twice last Thursday. One critical care nurse had 45 seconds to push all these buttons on all types of life-support equipment or Judy would have been gone. Her husband said it like this "the nurse held it together as her arms moved around like a mad women inwhich she was able to push every button and have time to give a hug to this sobbing husband". She did all this in 45 seconds. However, a few hours later the doctors came into to tell, Dan (the husband) that they were ready to call her "dead". Yet, while this doctory was reporting there was a doctor and a nurse working frantically to save Judys life for a second time. Dan said the rest of the weekend was an up and down roller coaster. On Tuesday of this week, I got a call that Judy was not responding and they feared that she was brain dead. On Wednesday, her family gathered around her bed holding hands calling out to God. God was the absolute only hope for Judy to stay alive here on earth. In the same respect, God is our only hope to stay alive for all of eternity. Anyway, God so graciously breathed life into Judy Gillet. That night she woke up and and started desiring to pull her tube out of her throat. The next day (Thursday) she stood up and also mentioned that she needed to get home to her small business, decorating cakes. She had no idea it had been a week. She had no idea what had happened to her. She kept asking her husband why all these doctors and nursed kept comming into the room to stare at her. Everyone wanted to see the miracle. She had the dream team of doctors treating her and all the doctors confess she should for all medical purposes be dead. We have witnessed a miracle. I went to the hospital last night to visit this woman. I do not know her. Yet, we are connected to eachother through Christ. I am so proud to be connected to the "Great I Am" , the "One True God", " The Living God", "The "Author of Life", that I cannot help but share it with all who will share in praising Him. Prayer is truly powerful. Our prayers for Kole are truly powerful. I am ready to see the doctors amazed for another time, followed by many more times, over and over again.

One night I laid in bed thinking how God is connected with everything that signifies life. Where as Satan is connected with death. All throughout the Bible God is connected with:

The Tree of Life
Breath of Life
Bread of Life
Living Water
Living Lord
Living Word
The ressurection and the Life
Eternal life
Life abundant

(If any of you can add to this list--- please do. Write it down in the comment section and I will add it to this blog)


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