Friday, March 24, 2006

Janni called today and did not hang up when I asked her name (ha!ha! an oldie song). Anyway, today is Kole's first official day of chemo. Shows how much I know. I thought Monday was chemo day. Those of you out there praying for Kole today, you have been faithful and God has heard. Keep up the good work! Janni was told to expect Kole to throw up as he was receiving his chemo. He did not vomit as was expected! In fact, he was happy and playing while she talked to me. Later this evening, I called Janni and Kole was still doing good. Thanks to the good Lord of heaven and earth for sustaining Kole day by day. Anyway, Janni also said they have a real network of support between all the parents and kids diagnosed with "medullas" (their slang term for medulloblastoma). I can't remember the exact amount of families, with children diagnosed with this type of cancer at almost the same time, but I think it was between4-6 families,(take ten or twenty) I could be wrong. Anyway, they are able to talk about different cancer treatments among themselves and trade information. It is very helpful. Also, I could tell Janni and Steve nurture those other kids with Medullas along with Kole. Janni and Steve are willing for their family to extend, in fact they want it! In the world today, we have such a need for privacy and seclusion that we miss out on support and deep rewarding relationships with others. I am guilty. Yet, there is such a blessing, many are missing, in not reaching out. Should a family be an exclusive club for others to only gaze at from the outside wishing for enterance? My three-year old sings this song he learned in Sunday School. I wish I could record his voice singing it, because his little voice sounds so beautiful singing a song so meaningful. This song comes straight out of the Bible. It goes "Behold, Behold I (Jesus) stand at the door and knock, knock, knock. Behold, Behold I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock. If anyone hears my voice, if anyone hears my voice. I will open, open, open the door. I will come in. Sometimes it is God standing outside our family's door. Sometimes God is not invited in. Yet, he knocks and desires enterance. It sounds pathetic---God being locked out! I can remember being locked out of my house, as a small child, needing to enter to go to the bathroom. I was a pathetic sight. Yet, the sight was even more pathetic when my mom opened the door to find a little girl with wet cheeks and wet pants. However, God has the power to enter, yet he waits for someone to hear his voice and acknowlege him. Then he does the opening of doors and the entering of lives. Sometimes, we think we have to clean up our act before we invite God in. That can never happen. It is like getting every toy, shoe, and what not off my floor before I would let anyone in my house. With five kids that would be impossible. Once you acknowlege God, he comes in and cleans your house for you. You cannot kick old habits without God's help. "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength". If God can kick cancer, he can kick sin, bad habits, addictions, family disfunctions and the like. I actually believe the biggest miracle God performs is the change of heart and not miracles of healing. Pride is impossible for me to conquer on my own. It makes me miserable and I hate it. God is my only hope in conquering it. It seems so impossible to change, but I believe God can make it happen. He can create the universe, he can cure cancer, he can help us change, he can do all things, etc. Even if it takes a period of time to change, don't give up on God. God has perfect timing. He is still at work. Never be afraid to invite God in. You will make His day. He will make your life!

Janni said she is putting this verse in Isaiah to memory. It means a lot to her on this day. The first day of her small son's chemo treatment. He seems so little and so vulnerable. What is a mother to do, but call out to God, and claim His word as truth. Janni is claiming God's scripture passage as her own personal word from the mouth of God himself. The verse is found in Isaiah 49:13

Isaiah 49:13
Shout for joy, O heavens;
rejoice, O earth;
burst into song,
O moutains!
For the Lord comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.



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