Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hello all! I thought I would give a little update. Kole has lost a small amount of hearing nothing within speaking range. Janni said it is a huge praise, the fact that he has only experienced a slight amount of hearing loss. Janni has also expressed a great deal of concern and love for a boy named, Nolan. He is twelve and his AML (leukemia) is out of control and is taking over his body. GOD HOWEVER IS IN CONTROL. He is a boy who is an inspiration to all he meets. He has great faith and is concerned for his three younger brothers. He is always pointing his mother to the Lord to find strength. She wrote that she feels like shouting from the rooftops the faithfulness of God and His word. The Bible has been her strength and shield. She expresses that this life is not permanent but God is-----death is not the end!! In fact, her entry on her website was beautiful, full of hope and love. As she watches her dear son's body fail him, she praises her Lord and King. There is no bitterness, nor defeat! I asked God to grant this dear boy more time realizing that this world is a tuff place to remain in! I know it is far better to dwell in His courts, in His presence. In that place there is no struggle, suffering, or shame. Only incredible love, life, light, glory untold, perfect peace and rest and on an on! We can only imagine. Why we fear it--I do not know! I guess it is faith in the unknown and comfort in the known.This earth is like living with a splinter. It is agony, but it seems more comfortable than the pain of separation--splinter from flesh. But when the agony is over---freedom and release from pain. We than ask ourselves why we were so afraid to be free? Please pray for Nolan and his family. They are a testimony of the grace of God. The Good News of Christ is being spread far and wide due to their testimony! By the way I will be leaving sometime afer June 17 to go see Kole and the rest. I will probably be there up through Friday the 23rd. Thankyou for praying!!!! Also, at the end of this week Kole will begin his last chemo treatment!!! Pray for God's hand of protection over his body and for his peace and comfort. I will love on him for ya!!!

P.S Kole's grandpa Sprunger will be there during this last round of Chemo and later Janni's good friend Rachel is comming in support and love. Pray that we can all be a blessing to them!



At Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us all informed about Kole and your family. You all remain in our thoughts and prayers. We thank God for all the progress that Kole is making and are so glad to hear this is the last round of chemo. God Bless all of you!
Chad, Marna, and Jaxen


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