Sunday, February 04, 2007

Burr--- is this a cold February Sunday or what! My husband has given me hope that this might be the "peak" low of the winter! My poor parents arrived back from Florida over a week ago, only to face such frigid temperatures! Anyway, they missed their grandkids and that was what drew them home. My poor father was welcomed back by my own children with "dangerous" excitement! They put on a performance of gymnastic feats. Grandpa Sprunger ended up with a black eye and broken glasses. He is yet to come back!! Anyway, my mom said that Kole and Jaelle have been chasing each other through the house and have caused quite a ruckus . We have been waiting and praying for the day when Kole would have his "child like" bounce back. We actually welcome the energy and craziness. There had been a time when Jaelle could out run, out maneuver, and out last Kole in energy, physical strength, and agility. Her big brother is "on the move".

Today, I was talking to my Sunday School class about praying for Kole this week. I started telling them some stories about conversations Kole and Leah have had when they were younger. Some of the neatest talks happened several times traveling in the car. One time I spent a little time teaching Leah and Kole a little song that I have felt teaches children about Jesus' love for them is a unique way. Keep in mind that Kole was into Bob the Builder at the time! Anyway, I change it a little when I sing it to kids, but it basically goes like this.......

"The nails in His hands, the nails in His feet, they tell me how much Jesus loves you" (Kole did the hand motions by pounding his palms of his hands half to death----he was hammering those nails in good). "The thorns on His brow (Ow!), they tell me how-- He bore so much shame to love you. And as the heavens pass away, all His scars will still remain and forever they will say just how much Jesus loves you".

Both Kole and Leah got into this little song and at the end of it, they both said "Jesus needed a band-aid". I think Kole would have picked out a "Bob the Builder" band-aid at that!! Anyway, it was so sweet and remembering that precious innocent time in our lives brings a smile to my face. I think Jesus smiled at those two precious little ones of His! They were willing to soothe Jesus' hurts and I know Jesus is willing to soothe theirs. Little did we know back then, that the day would come when we would be asking Jesus not just for a band-aid, but for a miracle of healing. I would have never imagined that Kole would have this coming in his future, but God knew. God is not over whelmed with the problem. He is our King and Ruler over everything. He paves the way for us and He has taken Kole in His arms and has personally cared for Kole with tenderness and mercy. He has used "human" hands and feet. His touch flows through man in ways we do not understand. I can say this looking back, Kole was taken care of like a king, by our "King". He may have moments when the memories were hard, but I believe for the most part he felt comforted under "His Wings". Jesus gave Kole His own kind of "band-aid", a better one than even "Bob the Builder" or "Johnson and Johnson" can make.

Today, we studied the Israelites during the time of the Judges! Jaelle gets her name from that Biblical book! Some may call the book a little bloody, but I assure you it is never boring! Anyway, during the book, Israel struggled with peer pressure. They were pressed in on every side. First, the fell for the pressure to follow the idols of the Canaanites, Mideonites, Philistines, etc. As a result their negative peers influence turned sour. The Philistines and all the "ites" put on the "pressure of oppression". It was a no win cycle and the Israelites fell into the trap over and over. Many times repenting and many times God sending help in the form of a Judge--- like Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. At the end of the book of Judges, Samuel becomes prophet. He has to hear the people begin to complain, due to the peer influence, that they too wanted to have a "human king". They wanted a king they could see and touch. God for a long time said that they did not need a King, for they had the perfect King in Him. He had proven over and over His power to deliver, protect, provide, and on and on. However, it was not enough for man. God never wanted them to look to a man, who could not care for them like He could. Yet, they insisted and God gave them their way. It seems but for a few kings (example David and Josiah), most of the kings let the power go to their head and they ruled the people harshly and with evil motives. They were better off sticking with their true unseen King. When Janni named Kole, it used to make me think of the nursery rhyme "Old King Kole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he". We no longer have visible Kings around here, sitting on gilded thrones. No, we rely on our unseen King and He leads the way and cares for His people with true authority and power on high. Jesus is the Keller's King. He will care for them with royalty. They will have His royal treatment. They are His loyal subjects. We worship our King! He is all we need! Our King came born in a barn. His future led to His nails for our healing and redemption. His blood has potent power to heal and wipe out sin. One day we will use our sense of sight and see Him on His throne. We will touch the scars in His hand and on His side. We believe in our King unseen!



At Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janni, I am Sarah and Tyler's siter-in law. Tracie (Best) Bricker. I also graduated with Jodi. Sarah emailed this blog to me. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. I must tell you I have been praying for Kole every night for quite some time. I asked him to lay his hands over Kole and take this cancer from him. I have also asked my sister, Teresa, to pray for him as well as the members of her church. I am going to email this blog to her as well as to Ms. Cindy, the nursery director of my church. I attend Lima Community Church and see your parents on occasion. The church is so large, I believe I see someone new every Sunday. I will be praying for Kole and your family on the 8th & 9th. You have a wonderful family and God is with you. -- Tracie

At Friday, February 09, 2007 8:52:00 AM, Blogger Nathan and Brenda Lucius said...

Janni, We are praying for you guys today especially. Can't wait to see an update. Our Lord is so good no matter what happens and this testimony that you all have is just over and above anything we can grasp. You guys are a very special family!!
In Christ,
Brenda Lucius

At Friday, February 09, 2007 9:10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for good results for Kole. Your family is never far from our thoughts.

Dan Bordona

At Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful that we serve a King who cares about our every problem. I'm so thankful to have the privilege of getting to know Steve Keller and seeing his faith! We will continue to pray for Kole and the family. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AS HE ALREADY HAS!

Coach Hohenstein

At Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God continue to bless as he already has in the Keller family. Elsie & I will continue to pray for Kole & the entire family. Thank Jesus that He is still in the business of performing miracles. May we all just grow in faith & trust Him more and more everyday. Coach Hohenstein


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