Friday, April 07, 2006

Greetings everyone. Today is Kole official Birthday. He was born on April 7 th five years ago today. I will never forget that day. It was a sunny and warm spring day, as my mom and I travelled up to Sandusky to be there for Kole's birth. I had to bring Leah who was at the time just over one. We kind of had hoped that Kole would be a girl so that Leah and "Kolette" would be close cousins and enjoy playing together. God had a better plan. I cannot imagine Kole any other way than who he is. Anyway, Leah loves Kole like no tommarrow. She talks about him on a daily basis with such love and devotion. When she was just little, she would never pray a prayer without mentioning Kole's name. Her Sunday school teachers, at my church, feel like they know Kole even though they had never met him. One teacher came up to me and said who is this "Kole" Leah talks about all-the-time. We need to know who we are praying for every Sunday. I told them Kole is her favorite cousin and maybe favorite "person" walking the face of this earth. Now that Kole is sick, my church family has participated in prayer for Kole. In fact, I think Leah paved the way for them to feel a connection to a small boy they have never met. Do you think God used Leah---without us knowing it? Praise the Lord for his hand at work when we are too blind to see it. Just think of all the prayers Leah had "stored up" ahead of time ha! ha! Anyway, concerning my church. I have been pestered by one boy in my Sunday School class to bring in a picture of Kole---the pressure was too much. I finally got it together enough to remember and they enjoyed looking at Kole. I am so glad that these children are willing to intercede and care for a person (a child), they have never even met. Getting back to Kole's birth. Janni was induced and infact she barely felt one contraction. It made her big sister a little envious. I suffered through contractions all through the night and into the morning before I was allowed an epideral. She practically had to feel a slight tinge of a contraction and was all hooked up. Kole's birth was a joyous occasion. Steve's parents were to be first time grandparents. I feel that they had and have so much love in them that they could hardly wait to pour it out on this little grand baby. They have done just that. A present example, is how Kole's grandpa Keller retired early because he felt that his family needed him. I admire his willingness to drop everything and be the support day in and day out. Of course Nancy has been there quite a lot too and so have my parents. The fact that Steve Sr. has retired has made it possible for God to use him in his vital role of caring for Jaelle when Kole needs to be at the hospital for long periods of time. I feel that God has just covered all the bases for Janni and Steve. I have chills from head to toe reflecting on God's provision. Sometimes, we need to look with a magnifying glass at God's handiwork in our lives. It is just plain beautiful--- His design for us. Back to Kole's birth again....Kole came into the world with quite a big cheering section--my father being added to the group of six (not including Janni and Steve). He was so healthy and robust. He had dark complexion from the start just like his dad. He was a good 8lbs I think 2 oz. We enjoyed being at the room passing him around staring at all these marvelous tiny features God had crafted. Later, more family arrived. Steve Jr. was blessed to have his own Grandma Keller come to the hospital. I can remember her holding little Kole in a chair. Janni and Steve were radiant in their joy and Steve said Janni did a good job. He was proud of his wife like he always is. Steve also had his uncle and aunts and even cousins help celebrate that joyous day. I remember it like it was yesterday. I smile thinking about it. The last thing I remember is the fact that Steve had worried that Kole would be active and a little tempermental during the night. The next day, his prediction held to be true. Kole would give his parents a "run for the money" from the get go! He has never been typical in nature, but he has always been special and so dearly loved.

I have to add something special concerning my own dear first born son. He is now eleven and is so insightful for his years. We are reading "The Heavenly Man" written by a chinese man named Brother Yun along with Paul Hattaway. It is a tremendous book. Talk about the amazing hand of God. If the integrity behind this book was not there, I would have a hard time believing the incredible miracles recorded. But, because of this man's deep love for Christ and God's word, you can see that what this book testifies to, is true. Not only that but this man was able to love his persecutors. He went through persecutions in which he should not have survived. The torture was so violent. Again, the hand of God is seen throughout this beautiful story. It will make you love God all the more. Brother Yun, came from a home where his father was sick and dying of cancer. His mother has forgotten her faith and was overwhelmed caring for five children. They had spent all their money on doctors and were destitute---until. This is how the story goes straight out of the book "The Heavenly Man".

This mother, who had forgotten her faith, was laying in bed......"suddenly she heard a very clear and tender, compassionate voice say, "Jesus loves you." She knelt down on the floor and tearfully repented of her sins and re-dedicated herself to the Lord Jesus Christ. Like the Prodigal Son, my mother (brother Yun) came home to God."

"She immediately called our family to come and pray to Jesus. She told us, "Jesus is the only hope for Father." All of us committed our lives to God when we heard what has happened. We then laid out hands on my father and for the rest of the night we cried out a simple prayer, "Jesus, heal Father! Jesus, heal Father!". ......"Within a week he had recovered completely and had no trace of cancer! It was a great miracle from God".

After reading own first born son stood up and said in a loud voice "Jesus, heal Kole".
I was touched then, but even more touched now. He was taking hold of his faith and shouting out to the God who he believes in "Jesus, heal Kole". It can be kind of embarrassing as far as human standards when it comes to acting "put-together". But, I think that is what God is looking for. To be willing to look almost crazy in our faith....



At Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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