Thursday, April 19, 2007

Janni and I enjoyed talking on the phone yesterday! I shared with her some of the comments you have made! She does not have internet access at her new home, as of yet! It was good to hear her voice chipper and full of hope and love! It is only God, I know! He continues to carry them through this lonely time! My mom is staying with Janni! I know today they are going on a shopping trip to the Detroit, Michigan area.

I was told a cute story about Jaelle! Kole has always taken on the roll of "policing" Jaelle! My mom had allowed Jaelle to use permanent markers with her aid. Jaelle, said she cannot wait to go to heaven and tell Koley, that she is allowed to use markers! My children were pretending yesterday and made a place for heaven and another place for hell! They have had their world expanded beyond the borders of this earth! Leah, keeps saying she cannot wait to go to heaven. Today, she said it would be fun to go to heaven as a child! My oldest son had said the same thing, when he was younger! I must say that I had my eyes closed so tight, to the thought of heaven coming at an early age! However, God in His wisdom has shown our entire family that heaven is not far off and not to be feared, even at an early age. Hell is to be feared, not heaven! Jaelle had counseled Leah, the night of Kole's death that she should not cry because Kole was in heaven with Jesus! Jaelle was smiling and happy to have Leah sleep in her bed and yet Leah was sad! Jaelle said "I know Leah , I will pray for you. Jesus can fix everything"! It was healing , hearing Jaelle pray for Leah. It was not long after Jaelle's prayer, that Leah drifted off to sleep! Jaelle however took a little longer, I have grown closer to my little niece as well. She is generous with her love. I soak it in like a sponge. I enjoyed her little frame sitting on top of my round belly and her small arms wrapped around my neck at the funeral! She has a new girl cousin to meet and love soon! Kole has helped grow our love for one another! I cannot tell you the love I have for my sister, it is amazing how God has knitted us together! Mostly through praying together and loving Kole together next to his bed! Those conversations we had, I will never forget! I will never forget how Kole could make Janni chuckle with delight and how her chuckle would never fail to bring out the most precious smile on Kole's face! There was one priceless moment I recall between Janni and I. We both were talking about our love for our Lord and the spiritual battle we had been fighting together alongside one another. This moment took place as we sat on Kole's bed around a week before Kole went to be with Jesus! We promised we would love each other's children as our own and work together to raise them to love Jesus! It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget. I ache to see her, as I recall it! I am proud to share so much "blood" between her! We share our physical heritage and the blood of Christ! We share our burdens, our triumphs and our children! We share love! This is the body of Christ! If you read in the beginning chapters of the book of Acts about the body of Christ, you see that they shared everything and became one family and served one another! I read those chapters and desire "history" (early first church history) to adopt me on the spot! It is a reflection of the great love of Christ working through whom He indwells! We welcome you, into our family! There is plenty of room and plenty of love. You know God takes us just as we are! There are no strings attached! The greater your difficulty, the greater His love and forgiveness! Amazing grace is what saved a wretch like me! We are full of struggle and far from perfect! God has taken us and made something amazing. He is the only one who can turn us around in our dysfunctions. He is our only hope for wholeness and healing! A testimony states how God has taken us from point A---despair and defeat, to point B---joy and victory! I sit back and marvel at His work! He has brought joy and victory out of the home-going of a small child. Show us your glory God,--- through your beautiful transforming work in our lives! To those who have joined the body of Christ, my heart swells with love for you----I say welcome! Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing".

Acts 4:32-34

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them."

You have done a wonderful job taking care of the needs of Kole and his family! Your prayers were and are the biggest blessing! We can tell you are praying! How can something so intangible be so affective! We will one day see all that prayer accomplished and accomplishes! Kole is seeing it now!



At Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying for everyone.....

We love reading the posts. They've almost become like daily devotionals!! We continue to be uplifted and inspired by your great faith and trust in the Lord.

One more's amazing isn't it, the "things" and the messages we can learn from children? We know Kole was a great big brother, and it sounds like Jude now has a big sister who is very wise in her perspective on life, death, God, and heaven...I think she's going to be very comfortable in her new role and will be an awesome example of great faith in the footsteps of her parents!

May the good, good Lord richly bless the entire Keller family, and may he continue to bless the rest of us with the Keller family.

Matt, Lorraine, and Parker Smith

At Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In our prayers daily. Thank you Jodi for the posts. Janni is very lucky to have such a wonderful sister. I think of Kole often and know is watching and cheering Alexis on at her softball games. She plays first base but I know there is truly an angel in the outfield by the name of Kole. Keeping you in our prayers. Love,Joy,Lou,Tyler,Alexis,and Isaac.

At Friday, April 20, 2007 7:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The posts are devotionals!!! I look daily....I log in to see how everyone is doing and what specific need the family has that I can take to God in prayer. However, I am the one who is blessed!!!! I have struggled in my life with the why's of God's ways....the posts have helped me sort things out....I have a long way to go....

I would like to say, as I saw Janni and Jodi together at The Chapel on was actually "visable" - that they were knitted together!!! I had not thought about Christ doing that......but as you stated - it was HE who had brought this about!

How wonderful the relationship you have with one another, and with Christ.

We continue to ask God to bless you. We ask God to stay at Janni and Steve's side during these difficult days.....

We will continue to pray.....

At Friday, April 20, 2007 11:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the word from ACTS...that really blessed me today....

At Friday, April 20, 2007 3:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to see so many holding to the faith...but I must admit that I am struggling to understand or accept so many things.

Why wouldn't God want to see Kole healed such that we could proclaim His glory to unbelievers? Why would a God who is loving and all-powerful choose not to heal Kole? Why wouldn't God want to reward such faithfulness shown by so many? Why is this outcome better than Kole being healed on earth? Why wouldn't God want me to see His 'bigger picture' in all of this now? Why should we believe in the power of prayer? Why...

I know there are various people who have been praying for Kole that are struggling with these questions now. I would ask that those not struggling in this way lift up those of us who are, as our relationship with God is suffering right now. Thanks.

At Friday, April 20, 2007 4:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart has gone out to the Keller's and their extended family over the loss of Kole. As a parent, I can't imagine the pain. On the other hand, I have been blessed, as I know many have, by the faithfulness of this precious family. What a tremendous testimony to the faithfulness of our heavenly Father.

At the same time, as a believer, I have struggled in knowing what to say when there are questions as to why God would allow such to happen. Here's what I know of the Savior--He is all loving and He knows best.

Even Jesus in the garden before His death, asked if it would be the Father's will, that this "cup" would pass from Him, speaking of His death (Matt. 26:39). Yet, He prayed "not as I will, but as you will." If anyone deserved their prayer to be answered according to their will, Jesus (the perfect One) did. We know that God allowed Jesus to suffer and die--and we know the reason why--His amazing and infinite love for US. How painful it must have been for the Father. And, how wonderful that Jesus, being as much man as God, was willing to suffer and die for the sins of mankind. He is no stranger to the woes of this world; for, He experienced them firsthand.

We also know that He feels and cares for us--He shares our pain, as seen when Jesus wept, and was "deeply moved in spirit and troubled," at the passing of his friend, Lazarus (John 11:35). He loves & He cares! (He will never leave us nor forsake us--as the Keller's have testified).

God does not view death as we on earth do. The Bible says in Psalm 116:15: "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." We see things from a very limited and finite perspective. Our viewpoints are colored by our earthly experience. But God sees things from an eternal, infinite point of view. We know that all of our lives are but a vapor. We, as the created, do not always understand the actions of the Creator. The Bible tells us that the day Kole went to be with Jesus was PRECIOUS in God's sight. What we viewed as devastating, God saw as precious. What we viewed as an end, God saw as a beginning. We can take comfort in knowing that God KNEW Kole, God had a place prepared for Kole, and God knows how much better a Christian's eternal life will be--no more pain, no more sorrow, no more questions that we don't understand. For now, we see "but a poor reflection as in a mirror," but one day we will see "face to face" (I Cor. 13:12). If we could only catch a glimpse of God's perspective!

So, why should we pray? Because God commands us to do so. We pray, asking our requests according to God's will, because He DOES know best. I don't think any of us knows the wondrous extent of the lives that have been touched by Kole's life and the testimonies of those who love him. Do we understand the why's of everything--no, and that's o.k. We trust. And, we encourage each other with these words. . "so we will be with the Lord forever" (I Thess. 4:17-18). It's sooner than we think!

To the family, please be assured of our continued prayers. You have touched our lives, and for that we are grateful. To those who are suffering in their relationship with the Lord, let me encourage you to do as the older song says, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus--look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His goodness and grace."

At Friday, April 20, 2007 5:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing with us. Thank you Jodi for all your gentle words and for loving your sister so much! I know you are such a blessing to her. I know what you mean about Janni's chuckle. It sure could make anyone laugh and feel special. I am sure Kole always found love and comfort in his sweet mother. Your family is so special to us. You have all touch our family in a very special way. We love all of you and will continue to have you in our prayers always.
Chad, Marna, Jaxen, and Julia

At Friday, April 20, 2007 7:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too struggle with Kole's passing. I really did believe with my whole heart that Kole would recieve a miracle and would be healed. It's very hard losing someone so young. I do know that Janni and Steve are so full of faith and love, and that is a great way to live your life. I also know that Kole is in paradise. It is still so very hard.


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