Monday, July 30, 2007

A warm summer evening greeting to all! This evening as I was reading to my children before bed, I had not only noticed Leah wearing Kole's winter long sleeved Ohio State shirt---Leah herself pointed to her shirt claiming it as her favorite, because it had belonged to Kole. She looked sweet and cuddly in it and very feminine (unlike Kole of course). I smiled and yet my mind glimpsed a time when Kole was very sick and Steve had took a clean dry pair of Kole's navy warm up pants and gently put them on Kole. Kole was so thin at this time. His pants were very loose. The memory was a tender memory, with a touch of sorrow. Steve could not have been a more loving father gently dressing his son and speaking tenderly to Kole in reassurance. Both he and Janni hovered over Kole, caring for his every need. They did not think twice about what they were willing to do for their son. They did it with joy! My grandfather always had a saying that went something like ---if you want to, you don't have to. Love has a way of fueling our care and our touch and our "want to". Steve and Janni were fueled by love. The love was fueled by God alone. His love never runs dry, but reproduces itself and is extended to all. I know I have said this countless times, but, for it is truth that requires repeating. God does not have an exclusive club. We can only choose to exclude ourselves. I believe Janni and Steve are a reflection of their heavenly Father in this way---if anyone approaches them, they will welcome you with open arms and you will sense that they value all people.

It is hard to loose someone you value. We valued Kole and longed to be near him for a longer period of time. God however created Kole and values him even more! We were taught that God has claim to what He has made. He is right in all He does. It says in Psalms 103:19 "The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all." God ruled that Kole was to return to Him. God welcomed Kole and values him even more than we could ever know. We get tiny glimpse of how He welcomes with Janni and Steve's example, for they are disciples of Jesus. But, let me tell you, Jesus dresses Kole and wraps Kole in perfect welcome and perfect love. Kole is valued by God. Kole is at home with His Maker. Kole lacks nothing. We may lack our loved one for a time, for that is the plight of this fallen earth. Yet, We who believe will never lack our God. He is the "With of God". God is "with us" past, present, and future. There is no separation. Why does God allow human family members to separate from one another--- because He is always reminding us that He provided our human companion ships to bless us but never to complete us. Also, we are never to complete our human companions. We are to compliment our human relationships and be helpmates to one another. We are to point our beloved family and friends to our Maker. As well as remind each other of His love, speaking His Word and truth for accountability. God alone is all sufficient. That is a tough truth to swallow, but it is truth. We see Kole as precious and we want him. We desire to see God as even more precious and want Him even more. The Bible says that we are to worship the Creator above all created things including people.

For me it is important when memories of Kole flood my mind, that I control my thoughts and think about what is profitable. The enemy would like to get me to despair and think that Kole was abandoned and was suffering unbearably. The enemy is wrong. Kole was surrounded by a heavenly host. He is now in the presence of His Maker and that heavenly host. I believe Kole is truly at home with his Maker wearing the most "comfy" clothes imaginable! He has on his "Heavenly State shirt". It's colors will never fade and the fabric will never wear out! Praise His Name!! In fact, Kole is on God's team which will never loose. One day, I will be wearing the same --- I too will be clothed with Christ in new heavenly clothing. Will you?


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hello to all! We have had quite a summer so far. Grace Elizabeth Conley was added to our family on June 21st. She weighed 7 lbs 15.4 oz. and was 20 inches long. We are pleased that she is a happy healthy baby. We realize that she is truly not ours, but belongs to God. He has entrusted us with her, to raise for His glory.

Judah looks like a true blond, blue eyed boy. I have pictures of the two babies next to each other, which I hope to share with you! They have brought lots of joy! Janni and I have fun laying them next to one another. Judah is in constant motion and has a tendency to bop Grace in the nose. I hope they will still be "kissing cousins". Judah is a complete delight and is irresistible! He twinkles and makes all kinds of baby noises. He has grown quite a bit as well.

We vacationed together in Tennessee this summer and had a wonderful time. Jaelle and her cousins did a lot swimming with their fathers and Grandpa Sprunger. We were quite the entertainment, wherever we went. We had two babies and six children. I was proud of how well the children played and loved one another. They were so happy just to be together and were very well behaved. Of course, it was not the same without Kole. We would have moments together when we talked of him and shed tears. My daughter has a leapster and whenever she plays it she plays under the name of Kole. I believe we want to keep his memory alive, for he truly is alive in heaven. We went to the Tellico Falls in Tennessee. They were so beautiful that I caught myself wondering about the beauty of heaven. I could picture Kole telling me the beauty of these falls, were nothing in comparison to what he was seeing. It made me smile and more anxious than ever to have him show us around God's heavenly Kingdom. We will be without fear of mosquito or tick bites. Steve and my older two children bravely were able to swing out on two rope swings landing into calm water near the falls. However, poor Steve injured his tail bone and my daughter managed to add a few rope burns on her legs. There is no fear of injury in heaven, which is another bonus for Kole. He truly knows no pain or sorrow. Janni was saying to me one morning that this earth has been tainted in a way to her. I guess it is true that we must in some way know sorrow to be able to minister to the many here on this earth who too have known sorrow. It says in Isaiah 53:3 ( which is quoted also in the New Testament) that Jesus was "....a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering". He knows our sorrow. He was not spared of sorrow as well.

I happen to listen to a sermon the other day about the places known in the Old Testament as "Cities of Refuge". These cities were specially set apart for those who accidently killed someone. There was a law that said that if a person murders another person they too would have to be killed. Those people who were guilty of manslaughter were able to run to those cities and could be safe from retribution. When the death of the High Priest came about, the man guilty of manslaughter was free to return home. The pastor preaching on this stated that there were many along the way to these cities who would point the way to refuge. It is Christ who is our refuge said this pastor. It is not the church and it is not people. It is Christ alone. He is our High Priest and He has died to set free to return home. It is the church that points the way to our one refuge, Christ alone! This Bible teacher, told this story of how he and his friend would get into mischief as young boys. The Pastor, teaching this message, would always run away from his father fearing his father's anger or punishment. But, his friend would always run to his father when he was in trouble. God is the loving Father who wants us to run to Him, even when it is our own fault that we are in trouble. He is a forgiving God. He loves to forgive those who run to Him for refuge. There is not one human so willing to forgive as our God. We fear running to Him only because we do know Him or because we believe the lie we tell ourselves about a distant God. He is unlike us in every way. He remains close and His love remains. It us who run away and become distant. He is called the Strong Tower, the City of Refuge, the Rock, A Mighty Fortress and on and on. When we get sad over Kole all we have to do is run to Him, our Refuge and comfort. Many times Janni has told me of running to God when missing her dear son. He has never failed to be her refuge. Even when she was angry with not understanding God allowing her sorrow, He still was her refuge and is her refuge. He is a willing refuge. We just need to be willing to humble ourselves and run to Him.

Pictures of Grace--
