Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just want you to know that I am far from perfect. I did not realize that the five days Kole was admitted in the hospital did not coinside with five days of chemo. Although Kole stays as an inpatient at St. Jude hospital, he does not receive chemo the entire time. Kole receive chemo for only the first three days. He has a day off on the fourth I think. On the fifth day in the hospital he receives his own stem cells in a stem cell transplant. So, there is that. It is difficult being a reporter. I guess I need to do better research and check my sources. I do know for a fact however that our Source of strength, God himself is always exact, perfect, and reliable. He is definitely not like me. I am so grateful for His perfection. I rely on it. So does Janni and Steve and our whole family.


Monday, March 27, 2006

It has been a long time since I have written on the blog, but I just really need to tell you all how awesome God has been. Last Thursday night, Kole was admitted to the hospital. One of the first things he has to do is get weighed. He weighed 16.5 kilograms. Then he has to do mouth care. This is a two part process that protects his mouth from bacteria and something called mucascitus. Well the nurse and I did it first to show him how it is done and that it is not bad. He cried but we got the first part done which was a swish that you end up spitting out. The next part was this yellow stuff that some mothers would recognize if your babies have ever gotten thrush. We ended up having to force him to take it. That may have been a mistake because he ended up throwing it up. That scared me. I thought "oh great! We have not even started chemo yet and he has already thrown up his mouth care." So that night I prayed that Kole would be able to do his mouth care. I also prayed that he would have fun in the next couple of days, not get nausous, have fevers or infection, and that the chemo would destroy any cancerous cells. The next day, God answered all of my prayers. It began with the chemo. Some kids throw up as many as 30 times with the amifostine. Not Kole. In fact he said he liked how it made him dizzy and that he wanted some more. Do you think I might have a drug addict on my hands? Oh well, God can handle that too. Then we got the news that they had an alternative to the mouth care but he would have to take a pill. Kole had no problems. He does the mouth care now although he still fights us. The miracles continued. He had to have another dose of the amifostine along with some other chemo drugs. This time they expected him to really throw up. Well he ended up not throwing up right away but later he did throw up his lunch of corn dogs and rootbeer. Do you think that may have been part of the problem? Anyway, He did fine later and ate a big supper. At night he has to be weighed again and he actually gained weight. Hallalujah! Saturday is a different kind of chemo drug. He has very high doses of this drug. He went through another day feeling great. He ate a lot, never felt sick, played, and urinated all day(sometimes 5 times in an hour, but this is important because this drug can do a lot of damage to the bladder). The roughest part of this day was the urinating all day and NIGHT and having to record it. Sunday was the last day of chemo and it was the same as Saturday's. We thought he would just sail right through. Well God had other plans. On Sunday at about 1:00 PM Kole started with a headache. We asked the nurse about it and she went to the doctor to see what she could give him. I thought it would be easy and she could just give him tylenol or something. Here to find out that during this time Kole can never have anything like that because it can mask a fever. When you have a compromised immune system a fever is key to detecting it early and taking care of it. So anyway they wanted to give him a pill of codein. By this time Kole was in a lot of pain and couldn't stay still. He was crying and I could not get him to take anything. So I asked if there was anything he could get through his IV. Yes, Let me talk to the doctor. It took quite some time but they ended up giving him morphine. Can you beleive that is drug of choice for pain tolerance. Anyway it worked and Kole is doing great. I guess I know that I need to start praying that Kole doesn't get any headaches.

We have been so blessed by prayer--so much so that Janni and Steve know the only reason Kole is doing so well, is because he is being bathed in prayer. How could God deny such persistent prayer warriors -- He answers prayer! Here are the facts-- chemo and radiation are both dangerous business, full of negative side effects and yet necessary. Prayer on the other hand has no side effects and I can guarentee we do not even begin to know what prayer is doing behind the scenes. Prayer of course is not scientific and cannot be measured and observed in a lab. That is because faith is believing without seeing. O.K., here is an example how prayer has worked for Kole. The blog asked for people to pray that Kole would stay healthy and gain weight during his respite home. I told Janni that my whole family struggled with sickness while Kole was back and yet he did not catch as much as a sniffle. He was also able to put on a few pounds. In fact the doctors are happy with Kole's weight gain so far. Janni and I were reflecting on this fact and felt in awe of God and His protection. Thankyou for praying. Janni has asked for some specific prayer for Kole. Over the weekend Kole had a bad headache which was a side effect of his chemo. Janni said that for Kole the only treatment for a headache is morphine. Kole cannot have any "fever reducers" because they can mask the signs of an infection. Kole's temperature is monitored regularly do to the fact he is now prone to infection. They cannot take a chance at missing the signs of infection and therefore jeapordize Kole's health. Janni asked that you continue to pray for Kole's protection against infection. Pray that he will not have to suffer headaches and vomiting. Pray that he will continue to gain weight and eat well. Pray for Kole's sense of peace and well-being as he has to spend several days in the hospital. Keep praying for Kole's complete healing. One of my prayers is that God would whisper into Kole's ear of His existence, His presence, His loving kindness, and His tenderness towards Kole. Pray for Kole's faith to grow and his cancer to disappear.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Janni called today and did not hang up when I asked her name (ha!ha! an oldie song). Anyway, today is Kole's first official day of chemo. Shows how much I know. I thought Monday was chemo day. Those of you out there praying for Kole today, you have been faithful and God has heard. Keep up the good work! Janni was told to expect Kole to throw up as he was receiving his chemo. He did not vomit as was expected! In fact, he was happy and playing while she talked to me. Later this evening, I called Janni and Kole was still doing good. Thanks to the good Lord of heaven and earth for sustaining Kole day by day. Anyway, Janni also said they have a real network of support between all the parents and kids diagnosed with "medullas" (their slang term for medulloblastoma). I can't remember the exact amount of families, with children diagnosed with this type of cancer at almost the same time, but I think it was between4-6 families,(take ten or twenty) I could be wrong. Anyway, they are able to talk about different cancer treatments among themselves and trade information. It is very helpful. Also, I could tell Janni and Steve nurture those other kids with Medullas along with Kole. Janni and Steve are willing for their family to extend, in fact they want it! In the world today, we have such a need for privacy and seclusion that we miss out on support and deep rewarding relationships with others. I am guilty. Yet, there is such a blessing, many are missing, in not reaching out. Should a family be an exclusive club for others to only gaze at from the outside wishing for enterance? My three-year old sings this song he learned in Sunday School. I wish I could record his voice singing it, because his little voice sounds so beautiful singing a song so meaningful. This song comes straight out of the Bible. It goes "Behold, Behold I (Jesus) stand at the door and knock, knock, knock. Behold, Behold I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock. If anyone hears my voice, if anyone hears my voice. I will open, open, open the door. I will come in. Sometimes it is God standing outside our family's door. Sometimes God is not invited in. Yet, he knocks and desires enterance. It sounds pathetic---God being locked out! I can remember being locked out of my house, as a small child, needing to enter to go to the bathroom. I was a pathetic sight. Yet, the sight was even more pathetic when my mom opened the door to find a little girl with wet cheeks and wet pants. However, God has the power to enter, yet he waits for someone to hear his voice and acknowlege him. Then he does the opening of doors and the entering of lives. Sometimes, we think we have to clean up our act before we invite God in. That can never happen. It is like getting every toy, shoe, and what not off my floor before I would let anyone in my house. With five kids that would be impossible. Once you acknowlege God, he comes in and cleans your house for you. You cannot kick old habits without God's help. "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength". If God can kick cancer, he can kick sin, bad habits, addictions, family disfunctions and the like. I actually believe the biggest miracle God performs is the change of heart and not miracles of healing. Pride is impossible for me to conquer on my own. It makes me miserable and I hate it. God is my only hope in conquering it. It seems so impossible to change, but I believe God can make it happen. He can create the universe, he can cure cancer, he can help us change, he can do all things, etc. Even if it takes a period of time to change, don't give up on God. God has perfect timing. He is still at work. Never be afraid to invite God in. You will make His day. He will make your life!

Janni said she is putting this verse in Isaiah to memory. It means a lot to her on this day. The first day of her small son's chemo treatment. He seems so little and so vulnerable. What is a mother to do, but call out to God, and claim His word as truth. Janni is claiming God's scripture passage as her own personal word from the mouth of God himself. The verse is found in Isaiah 49:13

Isaiah 49:13
Shout for joy, O heavens;
rejoice, O earth;
burst into song,
O moutains!
For the Lord comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

March 23, 2006

Janni Called two days ago and said that Kole's chemotherapy will begin on Friday, March 24th. For some reason they moved the starting date back a day. He will be admitted into the hospital on Thursday and will be there until Thursday, March 30th. His last chemotherpy day will be on March 29th. He will be in an extra day to check his white blood cell count and to return some of his harvested stem cells. They all will go to their apartment in the Target House if there are no complications. God has answered so many of our prayers and we need to continue to give our thanks to God for the answered prayers and to remember Kole in your prayers as he under goes his chemotherapy.

Janni reported that they harvested the stem cells on Monday, March 20th. They put him to sleep to do the harvesting. It all started around 8 o'clock and they were back to the Grizzley House by 11 o'clock. Again we thank the 'Good Lord' for helping him through this. It has been said that this could be quite painful. However, Kole managed it very, very well and did not complain about being sore. Matter of fact, when his Dad returned from Ohio that evening he wanted to wrestle with him which his mother quickly put a stop to that just in case it could make matters worse.

When they arrived in Memphis on March 14th there were no apartments available in the Target House. Therefore they placed them in the Grizzley House which is a short term residence setting. They believe an opening will be available on March 24th in the long-term
setting at the Target House. The Target House has two bedroom apartments which will give them a lot more space than they had at either the McDonald House or the Grizzley House.

One of my favorite Bible passages is found in Isaiah 4o: 29-31. "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord and will renew their stength. They will sour on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint".

My thoughts go back to Kole's operation on Dec. 2nd and the effects that it had on his right hand, arm, and leg. His right limbs had lost their strength, reflexes, and cordination. The surgery effected Kole like it does to some stroke patients. Kole, during that time, was very weary and frustrated. If he wasn't helped he would stumble and fall. However, the Lord renewed his strength. He started to walk and not fall; he is running and is not afraid to go off on his own. It has taken a lot of patience, but as we wait and trust the Lord we see that He heals and gives us strength. Thank God for His love, healing, inspiration, and care.
Phil Sprunger (Grandpa and Dad)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Janni and Steve are excited about the good news the doctors delivered to them last week. Kole spent the week preparing to undergo his five days of chemo. He underwent an MRI and a spinal tap plus other tests. The MRI showed no signs of cancer in the brain and the area in the spine is barely there. They think it is like a "shell" of the tumor. In other words, they believe the cancer is gone there too. Radiation takes effect over a period of time. I don't know how long the residual effects of the radiation continue to destroy cancer cells. I do know that radiation can effect learning more noticeably after three years than directly after receiving radiation. The spinal tap came back clear of cancer cells. We are thrilled with the news. Please pray that his body remains free of cancer cells. I say let's do "preventive praying". To me it is more effective than "preventive medicine".

We had a Sprunger family wedding this weekend. We would like to congratulate Jessica (Sprunger) and Aaron Bell on their wedding. Janni and Steve were not able to attend of course, but they were greatly missed. We talked quite a lot about them. They are an inspiration to us all! Amanda, Janni's nearest cousin in age, and I discussed going back to St. Jude. We love all the parents and kids we met there. We are keeping the other children from St. Jude in our prayers. My parents pray everyday for Dominic and the other children there. Thank you to Dominic's mom for updating us. We are glad to know what we need to pray more specifically about and with more fervency. It is funny how you go to St. Jude and find a whole hospital of people and kids that you find irresistible. It is a joy to be around such unselfish, caring, and compassionate people. There is a real community feel about the place. I truly was sad to leave and have a deep longing to return. To everyone there we send our love. Both sets of grandparents have said they will never be the same and also feel a deep compassion for all the families at St. Jude. We want all the kids there to be well. I think that is how we feel about all you out there as well. We desire God's blessings on your lives. For you have given so freely and have poured out so much care and concern that at times it feels overwhelming. How can we ever repay. But, Janni has said that it is your support that is like the extended hand of God keeping them afloat with hope. As a big sister I thank you for taking such good care of my little sister and her family. I believe you can never out give God or waist resources on God. "Whatever you do for the least of these my brethren you do it unto me". What you do for Kole, you do it for God. Janni and Steve have dedicated Kole to God. Steve said God has promised to take care of his son, Kole. God uses you to be His hands, support, and encouragement. We feel blessed to be so cared about. You have been an example to us. I hope to be in your shoes someday and return the blessing to other hurting families. Thank you again.

I also want to thank everyone out there keeping our "faith" a float. The evil one likes to tempt us to feel sorry for ourselves, despair of life, and even become bitter. But thanks to you guys out there sending us tapes, Bible study books, Inspirational music, prayer promises to pray, etc. We are keeping our faith and even growing in our faith. Thanks to Lisa Branton who sent a wonderful tape from pastor Ortland (I think). I have to admit I am horrible with names. Anyway, Lisa, my parents and I listened to the tape on the way home from the wedding. Wow, it was just what the doctor ordered. Anyway, the pastor talked about King David spending ten years hiding out in a cave of exile. I would say it is kind of like the "cave of life's trial". He did not know when he was getting out or if he was getting out. But, he chose to cling to God. It did not matter if he was in great danger, he simply placed himself in the hand of God, and drew near to his heavenly "loyal" father. There were times in King David's life that God was all he had. All human love and support was removed. God was enough for David. In fact because God became David's "all", God blessed David and called him an "man after God's own heart". Actually, we have potential to fill up with God's life and light in a dark cave. It is in the "dark cave" of trial, where God is our only way out. They say that the stable where Jesus was born actually could have been a cave. If so, the life of our Savior began in a humble cave. Jesus also conquered sin and death in the cave of his "tomb". The tomb is empty! Being stuck in the "Cave of trial" is temporary. One day we will break free, but until then we will remain with our Savior. Or should I say our Savior remains with us in our trial. Even when we are free from our "trouble" (like you can be free of trial on this earth), we hope to still remain with our Deliver. It is funny how Jesus is both our shepherd who cares for us his sheep, an the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. I guess Jesus is everything to us from every spectrum. Our lives are full to overflowing. It is simply because of God, though He in himself is very complex and complete (not forgetting tender and loving).

(end of March through end of July)
Address: Target House (Janni and Steve Keller)
1811 Poplar Ave.
Memphis, TN 38104

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Kole and his family will be flying back to Memphis this week. I am pretty sure the scheduled flight will be on Wednesday. Steve said Kole realizes he will be returning to St. Jude and yet he has not complained. Earlier, he was heartbroken to find out that he would be spending some time in the hospital. Other than that, Kole has even asked about going back. I guess that is what a little "love" will do. Love draws people like flies. St. Jude has a way of making Kole feel special and loved. Really, for Kole, it was almost like being the "center of the universe". When everyday both parents (plus grandparents/ plus hospital staff) lovingly and sacrificially focus on getting Kole well. I can remember breaking my arm when I was five. At first, I fought the attention of my parents and doctors. The doctor even threatened to punish me. Which I think he did when he "set" my broken wrist. After I finally gave up the fight, and gave into "loads" of attention and pampering, I found myself quite content being the "princess". It was a little difficult giving up swimming, but the candy in bed made up for that. Anyway, I can remember as an older child reflecting back on my broken arm incident and thinking that I kind of liked all that attention. I can remember reading in the gospel of John, (John 13:1) "....Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own (the disciples) who were in the world, He now showed them the full extent of his love". I think about how the disciples must have been pampered in Jesus' love. They practically ate, slept, camped, travelled, taught, served with Jesus every minute of every day for around three years. They never had experienced any human love that could even hold a candle to the divine perfect love of Jesus. These disciples were pampered in Jesus' love. Jesus knew that he could not remain with them in body to keep the love flowing, yet he knew that the Holy Spirit would be given to them to comfort them and provide power and love. Though, on this earth we do not get the privilege the disciples had of seeing God's Son, touching Him, knowing Him, hearing Him, etc. We will one day get the privilege of seeing Jesus in heaven and bask in his incredible "individual love "he has for each one of us. Not only that, we will get to place our hands in the scars of his hand, of his brow, of his side, and of his feet and recall the suffering he had done for us in our place. No one in heaven but Jesus will have scars. Kole will no longer have his scars. In fact all of our pain and emotional scars will not longer be remembered. If that is not a reason to love God and love His home in heaven than I don't know what is. Everything about choosing God and his son Jesus is about life and light and love. Everything about choosing Satan is about death and darkness and hate. We are not afraid of cancer, we are afaid for those who do not choose God and his son Jesus.

Steve and I spent some time talking at our "family Christmas party". He shared with me some of the prayers he has for Kole. He shared with me about how God has become his ever present comfort. In fact, he truly has peace knowing that Kole is in the best hands, God's hands.
By the way our Christmas was worth the wait. The love God has gifted our family with is priceless. Watching each one of our precious offspring, take that love and pour it out on eachother and on us was inspirational. Kole, gleamed a sweet smile the entire time we spent together. He lovingly share his new "skee ball" game with all of his cousins. They played together with generocity and kindness. He did not even get a bit upset when his little toddling cousin (Isaiah) stole all of his balls. Kole chuckled and smiled the entire time we were together. At the end of the evening he wrapped us all up in his loving arms. For he gave the biggest hugs I have ever seen from a child. Hugs that came right out of his soul. I would say he has been affected by all this love. Love has a way of being contagious and infectious. Watch out for Kole, you might catch it.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Kole has around two weeks before his return to Memphis. We as the Keller/Conley/Sprunger clans have been attempting to get together during this break, in order to celebrate a much delayed "Christmas". We have been holding onto our gifts for months. I even have to rack my brain to remember what I got everybody. Anyway, my children made a "count down chart" to the day we have planned, which would be this Sunday. Dissappointment is experienced once again. Life seems to have dissappointment for both young and old, but through it all God is good. Bronchitus has struck our family delaying our "Christmas" once again.

I have experienced quite the week. On Wednesday, I was in the midst of teaching a lesson on the bondage of slavery (the Isrealites were experiencing in Egypt). I explained to the group that since sin entered the world we all experience our share of "bondage". We should not be surprised by suffering for this world is not our home. The Isrealites called out to God to rescue them and in that response we see a little of the "why" of bondage. We are force to look up, to be disenchanted with this world, and wonder if there is anything better out there. I have to say "yes"!!!!! There is a purpose for suffering. It is never in vain. Not only is it not in vain but God helps us through it. Usually we come out a deeper and a more compassionate person because of it. Also, we learn that we are not "all that". In other words we are humbled and realize we are needy. We need help. We need God's help. Well, during the lesson one of the ladies in our group experienced a grand mal seisure. We were all taken back by this experience. This sister in Christ had shared with me how she has suffered with severe seizures since she experienced a high fever as a small child. Her parents were not understanding for they did not have much experience and knowlege concerning epilepsy. Neither were teachers at school who punished her for having "tantrums". We, as a Bible study group, think of her "bondage" in a new light. Experiencing her need up close, has driven me to get down on my knees and beg the only one who can free her-- The Good Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. To intercede in prayer for our sisters and brothers in Christ is what we are called to do. To ask for help from brothers and sisters in Christ is what we are called to do. To petition the God of heaven and earth is what we have to do. There is a verse that was made into a song from Psalms. It goes:

"I lift my eyes up to the heavens, thus where my HELP comes from. My HELP comes from you--Maker of heaven, Creater of the earth. Oh, how I need you Lord you are my only hope, You are my only prayer and I will wait for you to come and rescue me, come and give me life"

In Exodus 3:7-8 The LORD said:
1. I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt.
2. I have heard them crying out.
3. I am concerned about their suffering.
4. I have come to rescue them.

Though those are literal promises to Isreal, they are spiritual promises to us. We can know that God sees our trouble, hears our prayers, has compassion, and rescues us. He is the "Deliverer " you know. There is a lot to be delievered from while we live on this earth. Of course the most important deliverance is when God unburdens us from our sin and takes it upon himself. The Conley family has not been immuned to burden. We have had all five children down at the same time with bronchitus/influenza plus other burdens. Elijah, my three-year old, said to me "Mommy, I don't have to take my medicine because Jesus will help me". He has been through so much illness this winter that his little faith has grown to be quite "grown up". In that reguard, I would say it has all been worth it. God has also answered and delivered us in countless other ways. He is doing the same for Janni , Steve, Kole and Jaelle. God has proved himself to us over and over again. I pray he will help us never to forget his faithfulness. Keep praying for Kole. God hears you crying out and is ready to rescue/deliver. Pray for Koles Grandpa Sprunger, as it is a struggle to keep infection from setting into his leg. He needs protection against blood clots forming as well. There is also another 11 year old girl in Clyde who has just been diagnosed with acute Leuchemia. Janni is very concerned for her and knows her personally.

Our world says it is really "weak" to need help. Because of this, many live in denial and never get to be free from their burdens. It is only when we are honest, face our weakness, and ask for help that God will have the opportunity to reveal himself. We can deny God, say we are independent from him, and inflate our "ability" to save ourselves. That denial is Satan's way of destroying us and decieving us. It is "when we are weak, that He is strong".
