Thursday, May 25, 2006

We have had a tough couple of days. Ellie got sick the day before. She had a temperature of 102. We were hoping it is was her two year molars. The next day she was still having a temperature and so I took her to the doctor. They said it was the rosiolla (I am not sure how to spell it) virus. It would last 3 to 4 days. We thought Kole was getting out yesturday also and we were concerned with him getting Ellie's sickness. Well, he ended up with a fever and had to stay an extra night. Today Ellie woke up with a fever and she was complaining about her gums. I looked at them and they were all swollen, red, someplaces bloody, and white. I called the doctor again. The doctor determined that Ellie has this viris called Stomititis. She will have it for 7 to 10 days and she is extremely contagious. Aren't we lucky. Ellie and I will be staying away from Kole for awhile.
Kole is doing great. We are thrilled that his third round of chemo is over and that he only has one more. Please continue to pray for his hearing. We were told the third round is the toughest on his ears. Most of the children lose at least some of their hearing. Thank goodness it is only the high frequencies like the s and ch sounds. Anyway, Kole is feeling good and he is actually wanting to eat food. I am thrilled. We miss you all.
God Bless,
The Keller's

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Janni has just informed me through an e-mail that Kole's time in the hospital was delayed one day due to the fact that the beds at St. Jude hospital were filled. How thankful I am that the delays in treatment are due to logistical issues and not health issues! Janni is asking everyone to pray for Kole to not get sick taking this medicine that prepares him for chemo. This medicine is designed to protect Kole's hearing. As some of you know, the chemo can adversly affect Kole's ability to hear. Janni also said that the physical therapist and occupational therapists were talking about how they cannot figure out how Kole can be doing so well. He still needs work at using his right hand. So, that is a prayer concern. Anyway, God's hand works so well. May it work powerfully on restoring full use to Kole's precious little hand. I am so pleased to be connected to the One True God, Maker of Heaven and Earth. There is such a privilege in being able to freely go to the God of this universe and make requests. God does not procrastinate nor does He make poor decisions like we do. In fact, He hears us and answers all of our requests whether it is yes, no, wait, or I got a better idea. Not one prayer is a waist and I hope you know that Kole is blanketed in prayer because of you. There is no better gift that you can give other than your prayers. One by one they are being answered. Praise Him!

Dear Lord, I ask you to bless those out there who are praying for Kole and those who are showing such concern for this dear little boy of yours. We ask that you will bless us with your presence. We pray for all the children in Clyde who have been struck by cancer and ask for your fantastic healing touch. We also ask that you will show us the cause and that you will wipe out all harm. It is such a privilege to know you and to be able to come before you. You are high and lifted up and we are low and oh so needy. May we grow to love and know you more.

John 15:7 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

Remember God always keeps His promises and the Bible is full of them. God is the only one you can count on----that is why He asks you to remain in Him. How? Get your strength from Him. Look only to Him. Put your whole self into His mighty outstretched hand. He is the way, the truth, and the life. It may seem like a radical way to live--oh, but it is freedom! Jesus came to set the captive free. There is nothing more incredible. Wait and see that the Lord is good. This earth is cursed by sin and disease, but there is no curse in God. We are free to trade in living for this "cursed earth" for blessedly living "in God and He living in you" (John 14:20).


Friday, May 12, 2006

Hello everyone! There is so much good news in regard to Kole. He has just had an MRI yesterday and it was clear. Today he had a spinal tap and the results are not in yet. Kole is doing well. His belly has been somewhat irritable, not that he has thrown up or anything. Kole's appetite has just returned one day ago. Janni said that Kole did have the energy to ride a tricycle all the way to their friend's house which is in a neighborhood away. That is a good sign. Imagine the kind of endurance that feat required of Kole. He is an amazing boy --he has a "drive" to accomplish big feats. Kole also has followed Janni's lead. He is a boy who observes everything and than does it, if he is allowed. Kole attempted to drive a car when he was younger. This was one "feat" he was forced to forfeit. Janni has been required by the medical staff to become a fastidious housekeeper--she is normally clean, however health concerns have made sanitation mandatory. Kole has observed this and has found entertainment in mopping and cleaning. Janni said he even asks for more jobs to do when he is done. He is a productive little boy. I am proud of him for making the most of his situation and finding joy. He is accomplishing a lot for being so sick. Janni has also said that Kole has done significantly better after this second treatment than the first. Kole received four blood transfusions and four platelet transfusions after his first round of chemo. He has only received one blood transfusion and one platelet transfusion after this second round. Also, after this second treatment, his counts were not down for too long and he did not get a fever. Seeds of faith are being planted, for Kole is proof of God's sustaining power and protection. It is so human to complain and blame God. I have never heard one complaint from my sister. She is truly grateful to God and all of His provisions of support, which includes you.

Psalms 126: 4-6

Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negev (desert).
Those who sow (plant seeds of faith) in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying the sheaves with him.

I guess we can plant seeds of doubt and discouragement. But, God promises if we take this opportunity to plant seeds of faith we will reap a blessing. We are full of joy now, even in our concern for Kole, but when this particular testimony is complete--- there will be songs of joy and a harvest. We do not see it all now, but someday ..... the tears will not be in vain.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

The last time I wrote was just after Kole's time in the hospital receiving chemo.....sorry there has been such a big break in keeping you updated. I must say that there has been no crisis to report and no second hospitalization due to a temperature. Infact, Janni said Kole's counts are on their way up! Our God---how do we explain Him? How do we even know exactly what He is up to or what has He just spared us from? Of course, He spared us from sin and death and that would be enough-- but what else? What has He spared Kole from? There is nothing visible to the human eye to report as far as I know! I wonder what God is doing on the inside of Kole's body and heart?

You know---when you turn your life over to God, not to mention your child, as Janni and Steve has done---life becomes more serious for we now realize how fleeting this life can be. Sometimes, we, as Christians, can become afraid that we will fail God and fail our testimony. Sometimes, God calls us to do things that seems questionable to the human eye (which has a limited perspective). When God moves He is looking out for what is best for the Kingdom of God. As Christians, we are called to fulfill the great commission in Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you". So far, God has moved. He has moved Janni and Steve to St. Jude in Memphis, Tennessee and He has made other moves as some of you already know. He has moved me to write these articles. He will continue to move. In fact, He will be moving some of you out there! We are called to follow our Master. One hym says "I have decided to follow Jesus--I have decided to follow Jesus--I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back, no turning back. Though none go with me, still I will follow--though none go with me, still I will follow--though none go with me, still I will follow, no turning back, no turning back". Sometimes Believers are afraid to follow. Sometimes they are afraid that they will fail God by not having the energy, wisdom, or ability to serve. It is possible that we feel unworthy. Every human is unworthy, that is why we are out to point to our worthy God and Savior. In the book of Joshua God makes a promise to the warrior and comander of the nation of Israel. His name being Joshua. That promise can be applied to us as well. Joshua is getting ready to "move" into the promise land and take on the idolatrous enemies of God. This is an intimidating task to say the least! God promises Joshua in Joshua 1:5 (NASB) that " No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I WILL NOT FAIL YOU or forsake you". We might fail God but God will never fail us. We go and do everything in God's strength. I can testify on behalf of my "brother" Steve that he is following after his Master's call. I can testify that he has great faith and believes in God's promises. It is exciting to witness God's promise fulfilled. Go with God-- Steve, Janni, Kole, and Jaelle. God will never fail you.
